• Bipolar 4 Champions

    I’m sitting at a cubby in the Bozeman library. It’s Sunday so this is generally my routine. I parked my Jeep at The Museum of the Rockies parking lot and rode my bike down the Gallagator Trail to get here. Before that I walked around the MSU campus and tacked some notes on their bulletin…

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  • The Power of Words

    The mind is interesting. It is powerful and there are many examples out there that prove that the way we think effects the way we are. When it comes to bipolar, it is common to hear someone say, “I’m bipolar.” I still say it. But it is interesting how we make bipolar our identity when…

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  • Blessing or Curse?

    Mental illness is a broad subject. Many disorders fall under this category. I was diagnosed bipolar, so I will focus on this disorder specifically. Many illnesses overlap but I will not speak to other diagnoses. That being said, I believe that even those without a mental illness can benefit from the pursuit of mental health.…

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  • War and Hope and Healing

    I have written about my life and some of my recent thoughts briefly. I would like to shift the focus of this blog. I asked myself this question: What do I know? In my 33 years of life, what have I come to know well enough that I could teach others confidently? After a bit…

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  • Rock Creek

    I’m sitting in my Jeep across the street from the community center in Crawley, a small community near Crawley Lake, down the road from Rock Creek. I’m about settled in to my tiny cabin. Cheeky is in heaven, exploring and making friends with our neighbors. She’s the popular one on the block. I’ve been playing…

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  • Guitar

    I’ve decided that I want to pursue becoming a songwriter and possibly perform and produce songs. Not long ago I had a moment where I realized that I actually liked, even loved, writing songs. It was important because up until that point I couldn’t say that about most things. I enjoy surfing and nature, but…

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  • Montana

    I want to go back to school at Montana State University. I am about half way through my undergraduate studies. I want to major in writing and minor in music. I like writing songs so I figured that would make sense. School is more of an excuse to live in Montana. Dad and I took…

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  • Bipolar

    I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder when I was 20. I began to have symptoms when I was about 15. I was depressed in high school. I lost my desire to move forward. I questioned the meaning of life. I thought that if nothing happened after we die then there is no point to anything.…

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  • Testimony

    I am still trying to put my testimony into words and understand the sequence that certain events took place. In terms of coming to Jesus and being born again, my story is fuzzy. Looking back, I accepted Jesus at least four times, I was baptized twice and baptized in the Holy Spirit three times. Just…

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  • Matthew 6:6

    “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” (NKJ)

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