Bipolar 4 Champions

I’m sitting at a cubby in the Bozeman library. It’s Sunday so this is generally my routine. I parked my Jeep at The Museum of the Rockies parking lot and rode my bike down the Gallagator Trail to get here. Before that I walked around the MSU campus and tacked some notes on their bulletin boards, the three that I found. The notes read, “Bipolar 4 Champions,” at the top. “I offer insight, through experience, into the bipolar condition. Victory over this illness is possible. Everyone’s battle is different but it doesn’t have to be fought alone. We are not victims of a disease but champions made stronger because of it.” I put my name and email on the back and Deuteronomy 31:8 I believe it is. I don’t know what will come of this if anything. I just wonder if I would be able to help anyone who might be going through something similar to what I did.